Advancing Together assists non-majority community families to apply for the assistance package, provided by the Ministry of Communities and Returns (MKK). Lately, AT officials met with citizens of the non-majority community to inform them about the call of the MKK,...
Advancing Together” and UNHCR, held a meeting with several families from Roma and Ashkali communities, returnees to Graqanicë/Gračanica, to be more closely informed about concerns exercising their rights and access to public services as well as the way of...
NEVOJË URGJENTE PËR MBËSHTETJE PAS FATKEQËSISË Një tërmet i fuqishëm ka goditur Turqinë Juglindore, pranë kufirit me Sirinë, duke vrarë më shumë se 4000 njerëz deri më tani. Qeveria e Turqisë ka shpallur alarmin e nivelit të katërt, që do të thotë se kërkon ndihmë...
The NGO Advancing Together (AT) and the municipality of Gjilan, in order to create beter living conditions for the residents of this municipality and based on the request of the communities that live in this municipality, signed a Memorandum of Co-financing for the...
Advancing Together (AT) in cooperation with the Ombudsperson Institution, concluded today the series of workshops for capacity building for municipal officials and community representatives in the municipality of Novobërdë/Novo Brdo. In the workshop, the participants...
Advancing Together (AT), UNHCR’s partner organization, in collaboration with the Free Legal Aid Agency (FLAA) held the first regional meeting regarding institutional strengthening and coordination in the provision of free legal aid to returnees and internally...