UNHCR Project
UNHCR’s operation in Kosovo has progressively evolved throughout the years from humanitarian assistance to advocacy and capacity building. As Kosovo endeavors to strengthen its institutions, UNHCR has assumed a supportive role to the authorities in an effort to help designing strategies for the adoption of the most appropriate durable solutions for the displaced population within and outside Kosovo. Mission of Project This project aims to support Kosovo institutions to exercise in more proactive manner their role to develop and implement its legal framework and policies with incorporated outcomes of the displaced persons needs assessment to find the most appropriate durable solutions for sustainable return and the displaced population within and outside Kosovo. Strategic Goals The objective of this project is to contribute to the creation of conditions for finding durable solution and reintegration for returnees in Kosovo, under the ownership of the authorities, who shall assume a leading role in the entire process. Areas of Work Advancing Together (hereinafter AT), as UNHCR implementing partner in Kosovo, will support Kosovo institutions (central and local level) to adapt to new return policies that are expected to ensure inclusiveness and comprehensive approach to durable solutions through a normative framework expected to be introduced for the first time since 1999 through a Regulation on return of displaced persons and durable solutions. AT will support drafting process of Municipal Action Plans in 10 municipalities, support UNHCR in capacity building activities at both; local and central level enabling the authorities to develop and at later stage to implement respective MAPs while having facts grounded elements. AT will exercise its protection monitoring role over the return and reintegration of PoCs and the restoration of national protection. The above exercise will enable AT to advocate for support of the local and central level authorities in addressing the basic needs of Kosovo returnees in the areas of physical, legal and material safety, as well as, strengthening authorities’ capacities for the protection of returnee and displaced populations.