( 0800 200 20 - FREE OF CHARGE ) +383 38 248 008 / +383 44 252 051 info@advancing-together.org


The Advancing Together as a co-implementer of the PIAKOS project, under this project will promote awareness of land and property rights and registration among Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities across 12 municipalities in five regions in Kosovo, as well as, provide free legal aid on property rights issues to these communities.”



Job Opportunities - Legal Officer (2)/ Legal Expert (1)

We have still open local vacancies

Legal Officer (2)/ Legal Expert (1)

PIAKOS project is implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC), Co-implemented by Advancing Together, financed by the World Bank/ State and Peace Building Trust Fund.

Please check out the link below and apply by 2nd of August 2024, 24:00 hours.

The latest report from Advancing Together presents a thorough analysis of the social cohesion of the returnees in Kosovo, with a specific emphasis on their integration experiences, security concerns, trust in institutions, and community dynamics. The report not only seeks to shed light on these complexities but also provides actionable recommendations to enhance effective community engagement, communication, and collaboration between returnees and the local community.

The assessment and report “𝗦𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗼𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗼𝘀𝗼𝘃𝗼” were supported by UNHCR Kosovo.

Advancing Together increases efforts to enhance the capacities of central and local authorities to promote and protect the rights of communities in Kosovo.
The two-day workshop “Standards and Mechanisms for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Communities in Kosovo”, organized within the project “Be My Partner for Welfare”, supported and financed by UNMIK, was held on May 10-11 in Gjilan/Gnjlane where the trainer was Mr. Hilmi Jashari, human rights expert.
The workshop was opened with welcoming speeches by Mr. Alban Hyseni, Mayor of Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality, Ms. Margarethe Matic, Head of Office for Community Support in UNMIK and Mr. Bashkim Ibishi, Executive Director of Advancing Together.
Within the Project “Be My Partner for Welfare”, financed by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo and implemented by Advancing Together (AT) a two-day workshop on ‘Development of project proposals & Access to IPA Funds (Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance)’, was delivered to local administration of the municipalities of Gjilan/Gnjilane, Graçanicë/Gračanica, Klinë/a and Novobërdë/Novo Brdo. The training, conducted by AT and Emrush Ujkani (Executive Director of the European Investors Council) as a guest trainer, aimed to increase the capacities of municipal government to identify the needs of citizens, develop projects and reach for potential funding resources.


AT invites qualified service providers to make a firm offer for the establishment of Frame Agreement(s) for the provision of two minivans.

With the aim of improving the livelihood of communities, Advancing Together (AT), through the Project “Be My Partner for Welfare”, financed by UNMIK, implemented 4 subprojects, namely:
– Supplying the “Culture Center” with sound equipment and a projector, and benches for the park in the village of Kishnicë/Kišnica
– Supplying the “Center for additional learning” in Gracanica with digital equipment
– Removal of illegal landfills on the territory of the municipality of Gracanica
– Supplying the “Center Romani Initiative Hak” in Preoc/e with digital and sports equipment, and classroom furniture
members of the municipality of Gracanica welcomed the support offered through the Project “Be My Partner for Welfare”.
Within the Project “Be My Partner for Welfare”, financed by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo and implemented by Advancing Together (AT), which aims to improve the well-being of communities through the implementation of community based projects, AT supplied the primary school “Avni Zhabota” in Shtupel/ Štupelj, Klinë/a, with electronic devices and equipment for physics lab. The students and school staff welcomed the support provided through this project.

Mr. Bashkim Ibishi, Executive Director of Advancing Together (AT), met with Mr. Nenad Rašić, Minister for Communities and Return, whereby they discussed issues related to creating better conditions for all communities, and especially for the integration of returnees and internally displaced persons.


Minister Rašić expressed his willingness to cooperate with the AT on any issue of common interest, in particular on the rights and inclusiveness of communities.


Advancing Together is a UNHCR Kosovo partner organization.



Advancing Together promotes a multi-ethnic society that is founded on universal individual and collective rights and equality, and where all persons have the opportunity to express their talents, skills and pursue their self-accomplishment. In our vision of the future, the voices of the least fortunate and most vulnerable amongst us are heard and their rights acknowledged.


In achieving that Vision, Advancing Together has taken upon the mission of advocating, promoting, and developing measures and programs to ensure that the rights of all communities and their members are respected. Through active engagement in policy debate and development, watchdog activities, education, service delivery and active engagement of communities in building social safety nets, we undertake to promote the rights of vulnerable groups within Kosovo and internationally.




UNHCR’s operation in Kosovo has progressively evolved throughout the years from humanitarian assistance to advocacy and capacity building. As Kosovo endeavors to strengthen its institutions, UNHCR has assumed a supportive role to the authorities in an effort to help designing strategies for the adoption of the most appropriate durable solutions for the displaced population within and outside Kosovo. Mission of Project This project aims to support Kosovo institutions to exercise in more proactive manner their role to develop and implement its legal framework and policies with incorporated outcomes of the displaced persons needs assessment to find the most appropriate durable solutions for sustainable return and the displaced population within and outside Kosovo.

“Be My Partner for Welfare”

The Project “Be My Partner for Welfare”, implemented by NGO Advancing Together and financed by UNMIK, aims at building trust among different communities and enhance dialogue and inter-community communication as well as support the effectiveness and sustainability of existing community support related mechanisms at the local/municipal level. Furthermore, it aims to ensure effective mechanisms of communication, create opportunities for the community groups to participate in local decision-making forums and contribute to the improvement of the situation of their respective communities. High priority will be given to participation of women and youth in order to further strengthen their active involvement in the decision-making processes in the future.

Erasmus + Project on Building Capacity for Roma Organization’s on EU Funding and Partnership Building

“Roaming – Capacity Building of Roma Organization’s on EU Funding and Partnership Building” which is being implemented under the leadership of Montenegro-based NGO “Young Roma” which has started on 01/09/2016 and will last till 01/09/2017 where Advancing Together is one of the implementing partners of the project. The main target groups of “Roaming” are CSOs active in “SIMURGH” Roma Network whose member and implementing partner is Advancing Together jointly with Out Of the Box International/Belgium, Asocijacija Koordinatora za romska pitanja/Serbia, Association of Citizens ROMAVERSITAS – Skoplje/FYRM, Mladi Romi/BiH, Disutni Albania/Albania, who were selected due to their experience and expertise who will recruit other 40 CSOs through the co-based open calls in the second part of the project.

2023 Case Number Counts

Returnee registered

Returnee/IDP’s reached.

Advocacy interventions

Employment mediation

Legal aid provided

Legal commentaries


